The seven deadly sins have been used for hundreds of years by Christians to inform others on the tendency of man to sin, and ultimately how to avoid this sin. These ancient rules of preventing sin can still be applied to modern times. If you want to keep out of hot water at your corporate holiday party this season, this advice is for you.
Pride is an excessive belief in one's own abilities, it is also known as Vanity. While I'm sure others are happy of your achievements this year, it is definitely not all they would like to hear about. Try to move throughout the room and get a chance to talk to everyone. Show your interest in your co-workers and bosses to let them know you value them. And make sure to show thanks to those who have put this event together
Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation. The grass is always greener on the other side, and sometimes a co-workers bonuses looks a little bit bigger than yours. Don't let jealousy get in the way of a good time. Keep conversation light and while you may be upset that someone has gotten a bigger bonus than you remember you only know the full story of your situation. So mind your p's and q's.
Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires. The holidays seem to bring out the glutton in all of us. Your corporate party is one place to make sure that this does not happen. Open bar and delicious dining is pretty tempting, but you need to restrain. You do not want to be portrayed as the drunken piggy of the party.
Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body. Do not and I repeat do not let the open bar get in the way of your better decisions. This is especially important when it comes to your co-workers of the opposite sex. In most offices, security cameras are frequently placed where you may not realize. And, at the very least, everyone will definitely know about personal encounters at the office and elsewhere -- long after the party is over.
Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath. Holiday parties are a time for cheer and excitement of accomplishments as well as ones to come in the new year. This is not a time to complain about work. You never know what your complaint can turn into, words are twisted and rumors get started. Don't get into a predicament over a little wrath.
Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain. Holiday parties are a great place to network. Don't let greed take over this great opportunity. Showcase your enthusiasm for the company when talking to your superiors but try not to walk over your fellow employees. A gracious employee is better than a greedy employee.
Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work. It may seem pretty tempting to just sit around with co-workers you know and eat and drink all night, but its important to get out there and mingle. Start up conversations with co-workers significant others and learn a bit about them. Your attentiveness will not only keep you occupied but is sure to pay off in the long run.
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